classes // workshops // events

Empty Bowl, Full Heart Fundraiser
Join us for the annual Empty Bowl fundraiser at Keene Central School. All proceeds go toward fighting hunger locally.

Empty Bowl, Full Heart Fundraiser
Join us for the annual Empty Bowl fundraiser at Keene Central School. All proceeds go toward fighting hunger locally.

This program is intended for families who do not have easy access to affordable, local food. Participants pick-up free farm shares of seasonal produce along with nutritional information, tips, and recipes every Thursday from September 7th to October 12th at the farm.

Food Justice Summit: Food Is Health
Announcing the sixth annual Winter Food Summit presented by the Food Justice Working Group at The W!ld Center.

Empty Bowl, Full Heart Fundraiser
Join us for the annual Empty Bowl fundraiser. All proceeds go toward fighting hunger locally.

Empty Bowl, Full Heart Fundraiser
Join us for the annual Empty Bowl fundraiser. All proceeds go toward fighting hunger locally.

FEED BACK, Move Forward: Responding to 2020
Announcing the fourth Annual FEED BACK Summit presented by Craigardan and partners with a very special keynote address by Karen Washington.

Empty Bowl, Full Heart Fundraiser
Join us for the annual Empty Bowl fundraiser. All proceeds go toward fighting hunger locally.

FEED Back: Everyone Eats!
Announcing the third annual Winter Food Summit presented by the Food Justice Working Group at The W!ld Center.

Dinner with Leah Penniman + John Brown Lives!
Join Craigardan and John Brown Lives! at John Brown Farm as we explore issues of food justice with author and speaker Leah Penniman of Soul Fire Farm

FEED Back: Cultivating Action
Announcing the second annual Winter Food Summit! Presented by the Food Justice Working Group at The W!ld Center.

Empty Bowl, Full Heart Dinner
Join us for a special fundraising dinner event at the Keene School. All proceeds go toward fighting hunger locally.

Open Studio Day 2 // Empty Bowl, Full Heart Dinner
Come to the January open studios and learn how to make a bowl to donate to this year's special dinner event. All proceeds go toward fighting hunger locally.

Open Studio Day // Empty Bowl, Full Heart Dinner
Come to the January open studios and learn how to make a bowl to donate to this year's special dinner event. All proceeds go toward fighting hunger locally.

The Whole Fruit
Join Greer Rochford, our culinary artist-in-residence, for a delicious evening of eating and learning new ways to use and prepare the whole fruit.

Agriculture and the Environment with Margot Pollans
In this discussion, Prof. Pollans will provide an overview of agricultural exceptionalism within the context of the environmental movement and the more recent food movement.

2nd Annual Dinner // What Does Food Justice Look Like?
Taking a close look at issues of accessibility, inclusivity, nutrition, and justice in our local food system with keynote speaker, Renan Salgado.

Rural Food Justice: A Participant Action Research Project
Take a close look at the North Country's food system and food justice issues identified at FEED BACK, our region's first food justice summit.

FEED Back: Growing and Sharing the Abundance
Announcing the first annual Winter Food Summit! With your help, we'll create a road map toward a stronger local food system. Presented by the Food Justice Working Group in partnership with the Wild Center.

Empty Bowl, Full Heart Dinner
Come to the Feb 3rd open studio and learn how to make a bowl to donate to this year's special dinner event. Proceeds go to the Keene Food Pantry.

What Does Food Justice Look Like in the Adirondacks?
Taking a close look at issues of accessibility, inclusivity, nutrition, and justice in our local food system with keynote speaker, Margaret Gray.